Montag, 2. Januar 2023

Recursive Troll Saving Intellectual Freedom at Stanford!

Theodor Kittelsen
Forest Troll

Stanford university published a document with the intention of “elimination of harmful language”. Reading this document, it seems rather obvious that the goal of universities is no longer diversity of (clever) thinking, civilised and polite, but hard debate and rigid intellectual standards. It is policing of language, censorship, establishing a regiment of intellectual fear and enabling power grab activism opposed to thoughtful academic exchange and progress.

Fortunately, Stanfords chapter of woke-religion did not realise that some troll played a joke on them. The last paragraph on the first page says clearly and in bold letters:

“Content Warning: This website contains language that is oxensive or harmful. Please engage with this website at your own pace.”

So. If you are a true believer and true woke worshipper, you will not read beyond that paragraph, because it could harm and potentially traumatise you. (Especially at a university, where you were trained not to think for yourself, but follow administrative orders!)

Everyone else, who is still moderately sane, does not read e-mails from administrators in the first place. So, in fact, no one at Stanford will know which words not to use. 

Bravo to the recursive troll!! 

Update Jan. 8, 2023

Good news: Stanford university evidently figured out that they were trolled and backs away from their list. 

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Noch ein Zitat zum Schluß:

"Ich verhielt mich so, als wartete ein Heer von Zwergen nur darauf, meine Einsicht in das Tagesproblem, zur Urteilsfindung von Gesellschaft und Politik zu übersetzen. Und nun stellt sich heraus: Dieses Heer gibt es nicht.

Ganz im Gegenteil erweist sich das kulturelle Getriebe als selbstimmunisierend gegen Kritik und Widerlegung. Es ist dem Lernen feind und wehrt sich in kollektiver Geschlossenheit gegen Umdeutung und Innovation.", Rupert Riedl, Evolution und Erkenntnis, Piper (1985)
