Sonntag, 31. Juli 2022

Despair tends to stoke fanaticism

 »The elites talk of the end of the world when we talk of the end of the month.«, Joel Kotkin & Hügo Krüger

If we do not solve this dilemma, we will get nowhere. Cloudy ideas and wishful thinking will backfire and in the end we have neither a clean environment nor a functioning society. This is true for developed and even more so for developing countries:

»The environmental impacts of the energy ban are rarely considered. Up to 40 percent of the African continent still relies on deforestation for its basic energy needs with nearly four million hectares of forest being cut down every year.«

»During the IPCC Glasgow conference, India’s prime minister Narendra Modi said that India will not address climate change until 2070« and Xi Jinping does not even participate at the COP26. What does that mean? Whatever is decided at these conferences is pretty much worthless.

And yet, we continue this type of talking shop, seemingly without understanding that no one (of relevance) is interested in the one dimensional point of view of Western activists. It will lead nowhere, except damaging our societies without effect for climate or nature.

What is the alternative?

Dienstag, 5. Juli 2022

Brexit Tales

As often discussed in the last years. There were a number of very good reasons for Brexit and a number of very good reasons against Brexit. However, these reasons were rarely exchanged due to a joint failure of political culture and media incompetency in the UK and even worse in Germany and Austria (probably in the rest of Europe too, but I can only judge the media discourse in these two countries). 

There were clearly no so called »rational«, hard arguments as the nonsensical economic predictions of both sides suggested. In a highly complex situation none of those are worth anything. Predictions are moot. 

It was a judgement of values and expectations. For instance: do we have trust in the capability of the EU in political and economic terms? Do we believe that the Euro was established and is governed in a reasonable and trustworthy manner?


If you answer these and similar quesions with no, you clearly want to be the first leaving the sinking ship, not the last. Current German and European performance in terms of energy and economy indicates that the British sceptics very well might have been correct.

Zum Abschluss...

Es freut mich, dass Sie sich die Zeit genommen haben, mein Blog zu lesen. Natürlich sind viele Dinge, die ich hier diskutiere aus einem subjektiven Blickwinkel geschrieben. Vielleicht teilen Sie einige Ansichten auch nicht: Es würde mich jedenfalls freuen, Kommentare zu lesen...

Noch ein Zitat zum Schluß:

"Ich verhielt mich so, als wartete ein Heer von Zwergen nur darauf, meine Einsicht in das Tagesproblem, zur Urteilsfindung von Gesellschaft und Politik zu übersetzen. Und nun stellt sich heraus: Dieses Heer gibt es nicht.

Ganz im Gegenteil erweist sich das kulturelle Getriebe als selbstimmunisierend gegen Kritik und Widerlegung. Es ist dem Lernen feind und wehrt sich in kollektiver Geschlossenheit gegen Umdeutung und Innovation.", Rupert Riedl, Evolution und Erkenntnis, Piper (1985)
